DOLCE AMORE Episode 47

We started with Serena’s body guards calling Tenten’s friends to update them on the latest development between Serena, Tenten and Gian Carlo.

Meanwhile, Tenten felt as if Gian Carlo had one over him after serenading Serena the previous evening and he told Cardo that he realized Serena had a strong bond with Gian Carlo and it would not be easy to break. He called Binngoy to ask for his advice and Binggoy told Tenten that Serena must have had feelings for Gian Carlo to agree to marry him plus adding to the fact that they were childhood friends, Tenten needed to make Serena remember the feelings she had for him as well, so he gave Tenten the go ahead to kiss Serena.
Tenten told Cardo about his intention kiss Serena to see if he could trigger a memory and Cardo was all for it. He offered to help and reenact how Tenten kissed Serena before. Tenten said that they were just writing a song and then it happened. Cardo offered to give Tenten a guitar but Tenten was skeptical about Kissing Serena because he felt as if he was taking advantage of Serena. Cardo suggested that they seek Nanny Melds’ view first and she agreed that it was a good idea too.
Unfortunately, Buboy heard them and rushed off to tell Gian Carlo that Tenten planned on kissing Serena.
 Gian Carlo rushed to Nanny Melds’ house looking for Serena but she was no longer there. Serena had already left with Tenten. Cardo and Nanny Melds refused to tell Gian Carlo where Serena and Tenten had gone so Gian Carlo went to look for them with Buboy’s help. Nanny Melds, Cardo. Roger and Leo all followed to try and stop them.
Tenten ushered Serena to a tree branch and started telling her about his speech defect from before. He told her that she was the one who made him want to speak properly and he started singing the snail song on his guitar. After he was done, Tenten told Serena that their trip to Bohol before was what made realize that he had fallen in love with her. He sang the song that the two of them composed together and Serena sang the rest of it when Tenten gave her the go ahead. After the mood was sufficiently created, Tenten told Serena that he would always love her and leaned in for a kiss. The two of them were inches apart when Gian Carlo appeared and stopped Tenten.
When Gian Carlo saw Tenten about to kiss Serena, he went straight for Tenten and punched him! The two of them dragged each other to the ground but Serena managed to separate them with the help of Nanny Melds. Serena got upset with them fighting over her and went off by herself. As expected, Gian Carlo and TenTen followed her. Nanny Melds stopped the other men from following so that Serena could deal with the situation without everyone hovering around. Serena ended up telling Tenten and Gian Carlo that they only thought about their feelings and not her welfare. She asked them to leave her alone and went to see Nanny Melds.
Serena later called Angel to complain that Gian Carlo and Tenten were giving her a hard time because all they did was fight. She told Angel that she wished she had gone by herself and Tenten heard her.
Meanwhile, Mummy Taps went to the orphanage to see the nuns and she asked the sister if Tenten was the child that the woman; Glenda was looking for her child was looking for. The nun told Taps that she was not sure and that was why she had not told the woman who her son was. Mummy Taps said that the picture the woman showed her looked like Tenten. The nun however told Taps not to worry because Tenten had been abandoned at their door and so the woman had no rights to him.
Glenda went around Mummy Taps’ neighborhood looking for where Taps lived. She started following her but the boys always hanging around Dodoy and Taps noticed this and warned her against following Taps. They also told Taps and Binggoy about it.
Taps met up with Alice and confided in her about the situation with Tenten’s biological parents looking for him. The two of them talked with cryptic messages on the phone. Binggoy overheard Taps while Uge overheard Alice. They guys called each other and met up for drinks to discuss what was going on between the two women but they were not able to come up with much.
That evening, Serena was surprised because it was quiet and she did not hear Gian Carlo and Tenten fighting. She asked Nanny Melds where Tenten and they thought he was at the other house. In the morning, Serena found flowers and thought they were from Tenten. She got excited and ran out of the house but Gian Carlo stopped her. Cardo then arrived with a letter from Tenten
After hearing Serena’s call, Tenten decided to leave Bohol.  He left a letter saying that Serena might be right by saying that he was only concerned about himself when he went with her to Bohol. He said that everything he tried to do had not brought her memories back and it might mean that she had to go through the journey by herself.
Serena was upset that Tenten had left her and she told Nanny Melds that he always ran away from the problems instead of facing them. Nanny Melds told her that she was the one who said that the guys were bothering her and she had to state clearly what she wanted.
Binngoy and Uge were suspicious about Alice and Taps seeing each other so they decided to find out what was happening between them.
Later, that evening, a neighbor arrived and told Nanny Melds that the bus going to Manila had an accident. It was the only bus out of Bohol so everyone ended up thinking that Tenten was on it. There were numerous hysterics when Tenten did not answer his phone. Everyone got into  a jeepney and they headed to the  scene of the accident to see if Tenten was fine. When they got there, they were told that no one had died. Tenten finally answered his phone and said that he had fallen asleep in his hotel room. Serena was relieved but went back to being annoyed as soon as she learnt that Tenten was fine.
They went back home and Serena told everyone that she was going to bed. When she was alone, she wanted to call Tenten and held the urge back. We ended with Tenten calling Serena up in the morning….

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