DOLCE AMORE Episode 30

We started with Gian Carlo meeting Luciana to discuss Serena’s situation. Luciana hoped she had told Serena enough for her not to go back to the Philippines.
Gian carlo was afraid that Serena would start remembering Tenten and everything from their past. Luciana assured him that by the time Serena remembered everything, they would be married and it would be too late for her to do anything.
Serena held a meeting with Luciana and Gian Carlo and told them that there was a company in San Francisco who wanted them to invest with them so she wanted to fly out and talk to them. Gian Carlo offered to go with her but Serena told him that she could handle herself. Luciana and Gian Carlo were not comfortable with Serena going on her own but they agreed to let her go. Serena had no plans of going to San Francisco but instead flew to Manila.
Alice returned to Manila and told Uge and Angel that she had met Monica. She told them she was alive and was okay with her life.
Binggoy called Tenten although he tricked him by calling JJ and asking him to tell Tenten that Pop star Sarah Geronimo wanted him to compose a song for her.  Binggoy was almost returning from Taiwan, and he called to remind Tenten that they had sworn never to tell their parents what had happened with Serena. Tenten said that he would not tell them anything. Binggoy also asked Tenten to be closer to their parents since he seemed aloof.
Mummy Taps and Dodoy talked about their sons and Taps told Dodoy that she had noticed the two were not as close as they were before. She even said that Tenten’s smile was not genuine whenever Binggoy called and Dodoy told her that he had noticed the same thing. They wondered if something had happened between their boys.
Angel got emotional during her recording session and ran out of the studio. Tenten went to see her and asked her what was wrong. Angel told him that she had found out that her sister had been alive but after she found out she was adopted, she did not do anything to get to know her real family. She felt embittered because of this and Tenten helped her understand that it was hard for her sister as well to reconnect with her family. He told her that he was adopted too and always wondered why his parents had given him away so it would be hard for him to accept someone who just appears from somewhere and told him that they were his parents. Angel thanked him for helping her understand her sister and said that maybe it was destiny that the two of them had met because they had been able to complement each other’s lives. Tenten was touched by her words and decided that he was not going to make her wait for him anymore. The two agreed to start dating.
When Tenten drove Angel home, he apologized to her since he did not know how to treat her but they agreed to take it a step at a time.
Serena arrived in the Philippines but the experience had a strong emotional impact on her as she tried to find something familiar to connect with. She managed to calm down and went to check into a hotel. Surprisingly, she booked into the same hotel she stayed in the previous time. The person at the check in desk recognized her and gave her the same room she was the last time. While there, Serena said she felt something familiar about the room.
The next day, Serena got two body guards and a car so the guards drove her around as she tried to find something familiar. They even spent hours looking at a statue in the middle of the city and the guards could not help making fun of her. They said Serena was going to fall in love with the statue. She asked them to stop as she looked at a jeepney and right beside it, Tenten was fixing his car but the two did not see each other.

Angel asked Alice about her sister and she told her Serena’s name. Alice went to the internet to research her and learned that she was a famous Marchesa heiress. She was a little skeptical about getting to know Serena but she decided to email her and tell her who she was. She told Serena that she was her older sister and wanted to make contact with her. We ended with Serena receiving Angel’s email and she asked her guards to take her back to the hotel...

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